In our two previous posts, we’ve been shaking our heads with sad bemusement at the car dealership that seemed hell-bent on NOT selling a sleek convertible to Dave.

Well, as you saw, Dave did get the car, and he paid using the cash that was already in his checking account.

Now, let’s meet Carly Morales, the web designer, who experienced a moment of

“Backlash” From Affluent Vic, A Prospect Who Already Had His Credit Card Out

First, there was that initial phone call.

Like she found herself having to do so often, Carly began the conversation with Vic by giving him the overview of her company, what they do, the results they get, their process, etc.

It was a great, high-converting script, and she delivered it here with all the gusto and passion she could muster.

About a minute into the script, Vic cut her off:

“Look, Carly, I already know this. Your client Rachel, who is a great friend of mine, recommended you, and only you. I’ve researched you. We wouldn’t be having this conversation unless I already knew you could do the job and do it well. Ever heard of Google? Ever heard of a telephone? I’ve used these things to learn about you already.

Now, I’m guessing you’re not used to customers like me. That’s ok! If you have questions for me, or need to spend a few minutes getting to know me before you decide to fit me into what I already know is your busy schedule, I’m here now. But my comfort level is already high, and I’m ready to do business today. So…?”

Easiest close ever.

They made a great deal in 10 minutes.

The project went great.

Vic loved it!

Then, A Few Weeks Later, Vic Came Back, “Angrier” Than Ever!

He requested another project, totally within Carly’s wheelhouse. So, like she’s done with so many other clients, she sent Vic a couple quick questions before she wrote up the paperwork.

She e-mailed her questions, only to wake up the next morning and see this reply from Vic:

“I sure hope we haven’t wasted a whole day already waiting for a quote “OK” from me. We’ve worked together already. Your work has been excellent. You should know by now I have a lot more money than time, and I sure don’t have time for any jacking around.  Tell me how much, CHARGE MY CARD, and let’s get moving!”




Fortunately, Carly Knew Just How To Deal With This Kind Of “Furious” E-Mail

Without hesitation, without any willingness to let this go on, she immediately replied:

“Great minds think alike! Let me just say how honored I am to have earned your trust in me. I enjoy working with you too, Vic! I have just successfully processed your AmEx on file for $3,750.00. You will see a draft on Thursday. If I have questions about the project in the meantime I’ll let you know. Thank you for your business!”

Oh brother.

Less than 2 minutes later, Carly checked her e-mail and saw a reply from Vic.

Did she just wreck everything by swiping Vic’s card for almost four grand?

Bracing herself, she opened it:

“You learn fast, Grasshopper. I knew you’d understand me perfectly. You have the right stuff. Send me the paperwork when you can and I’ll sign it for your records. Looking forward to seeing the draft. If you have questions as you go along, I’m here. Just ask. Thanks!”

You tell me:

Doesn’t This Sound A Lot More Fun Than Debates Over The Difference Between $1,850 And $2,000, After Five Hours Of “Introductory” Calls?

You might have read the above and are now thinking, “Wow, Vic is such a jerk!”

Sure, he’s gruff.

He’s abrasive.

In his line of work, these qualities help make him very good at what he does and inspire the confidence of Vic’s affluent, no-nonsense clients who value proven results above charming niceties.

Maybe Vic is a jerk now and then – but he sure gets the job done.

His clients love him.

His service providers know that once you get on his wavelength and earn his trust, he’s the easiest person to work with – as Carly happily figured out very quickly.

How many web designers would love to have a client who’s perfectly okay with having $3,750 slapped on their AmEx without the need to ask permission first!

So, let’s talk about jerks.

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As an entrepreneur running a small-to-medium sized business with team members and employees, a solopreneur with your own hands on the levers, or anything in between…

…we’re here to help you thrive from your intersection of your brilliance and your passion, and make a difference for your community, market, and audience as a Business Creator.